Art Education Life Achievement Award
The "Art Education Life Achievement Award" is added this year which aims to recognize the recipients who have made profound and significant contributions to Hong Kong's visual arts education throughout their lives and are admired and respected by the visual arts education community. The recipient does not have to be a member of the association, but must be a senior teacher in the industry and have made great contributions to promoting local visual arts education.
2023得獎者 Winner of 2023
Mr. Kong Kai Ming
江氏藝術成就早已獲得各界肯定和支持,曾獲得多個大型及具代表性的獎項,包括︰1996年獲香港浸會大學林思齊東西學術交流研究所授予「榮譽院士」;同年受聘為香港藝術館顧問;2006年10月28日於香港禮賓府獲香港特別行政區頒授銅紫荊星章(BBS, The Bronze Bauhinia Star);2008年獲香港藝發局頒發「香港藝術發展獎2007」之「藝術成就獎」;2023年獲香港美術教育協會頒發首屆「藝術教育終身成就獎」,表揚江氏在視覺藝術上的卓越成就。
Born in 1932 in Hong Kong, originally from Huaxian County, Guangdong Province Mr. Kong Kai Ming, also known as "Jiangbiancao" (江邊草) an artist, painter, art educator, and art critic for newspapers and magazines, and a Bronze Bauhinia Star recipient in Hong Kong. For the past 70 years, Mr. Kong dedicated his life to art creation and education in Hong Kong. He has taught at the Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts, Kowloon Tong School, Linghai Evening Art School, First Institute of Art and Design, School of Continuing and Professional Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Continuing Education at Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Tertiary Society of Art, Hong Kong Police Painting and Calligraphy Club and Hong Kong Correctional Services Department, nursing numerous talents in arts. In addition to painting and teaching, Mr. Kong has also published over 60 art education-related books, which making great contributions to the Hong Kong art scene.
Kong’s achievement in his art career has been well recognized and supported. He was awarded as the Honorary Fellow of the David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies of the Hong Kong Baptist University and was appointed as the adviser of the Hong Kong Museum of Art in 1996. Mr. Kong was also awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS) by the HKSAR government at the 2006 Honours and Awards Ceremony in the Government House on 28 October 2006, praising his lifelong and highly significant contribution to art for 60 years. The Award for Arts Achievement 2007 was presented by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the first Award for Art Education Life Achievement 2023 was presented by the Hong Kong Society For Education in Arts to praise Mr. Kong’s outstanding achievements in visual arts.