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香港視覺藝術教育節 2023

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2023



The Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival (HKVAEF) is an annual flagship event organised by the HKSEA, aiming to encourage sharing among art educators and to showcase their achievements in arts education. For this year, the exhibition includes “Exhibition of Grantham Visual Arts Awards 2022/2023”, “Exhibition of Creative Students Award Scheme 2022/2023”, “Exhibition of the 4 Parent-Child Toy Design Competition” and “Exhibition of Student and Teacher Visual Arts Work 2023”. Meanwhile, the “Interactive Learning Zone: Parent-Child Kite Making Workshop and Showcase” will invite visitors to create traditional paper crafting kites. The festival also features teacher-sharing sessions, public lectures, and workshops related to the different themes of the exhibition spaces. Other activities such as guided tours, seminars and workshops will be held for teachers and the general public as well. 


Click here to browse the exhibition catalogue of HKVAEF 2023.

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香港視覺藝術教育節 2022

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2022

香港視覺藝術教育節(下稱教育節)一直促進視覺藝術教學交流及提供展示教學成果的機會,並向家長及公眾人士推廣藝術教育,為本會一年一度的旗艦活動。本年度教育節視藝展展區包括「葛量洪視覺藝術獎2021/2022作品展」及「創意學生獎勵計劃2021/2022成果展」,今屆新增「『Ukulele及NFT創作計劃』實體Ukulele作品展」展出多件由學生設計裝飾的結他樂器作品,而「設計教育種籽計劃」則展出共 5間學校的老師在資深設計師的指導下的設計學習成果作品;今年的「國際及本地學生郵寄藝術作品展」以「遊樂場」為主題,繼續以比賽形式招募海外及本地學生的郵藝作品,讓參加者發揮創意,分享理想的玩樂天地。此外,展覽亦設有「遊樂場設計互動學習區」,讓參加者即場創作遊樂場模型,體驗設計的樂趣。教育節更設導賞團、教師分享會、公眾講座及工作坊等。


The Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival (HKVAEF) is an annual flagship event organised by the HKSEA, aiming to encourage sharing among art educators and to showcase their achievements in arts education. For this year, the exhibition includes “Exhibition of Grantham Visual Arts Awards 2021/2022”, “Exhibition of Creative Students Award Scheme 2021/2022” and “Exhibition of the 3rd Parent-Child Toy Design Competition”. Also, “Exhibition of Ukulele & NFT Project: Physical Ukuleles Showcase” will be demonstrating various decorated Ukuleles created by students; meanwhile the “Exhibition of the Design Seed: Design Education Programme” will be showing the design works of teachers. In the “International & Local Students Mail Art Exhibition” session, mail arts with the theme “Playground” from Hong Kong and all around the world will be showcased; and the “Interactive Learning Zone: Playground Design” will invite visitors to create a playground model on-site collectively by using the various craft materials provided. Besides, to commemorate our 30th anniversary of HKSEA and express our gratitude to our supporters, the exhibition will also include the “HKSEA 30th Anniversary Commemoration” section. Other activities such as guided tours, seminars and workshops will be held for teachers and the general public as well.


Click here to browse the exhibition catalogue of HKVAEF 2022.


香港視覺藝術教育節 2021

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2021



The Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival (HKVAEF) is an annual flagship event organised by the HKSEA, aiming to encourage sharing among art educators and to showcase their achievements in arts education. This year, the exhibition included the Exhibition of Grantham Visual Arts Awards 2020/2021 and Exhibition of Creative Student Award Scheme 2020/2021. Also, a new section of the ‘Upcycling Parent-Child Artworks Exhibition’ will be held to promote upcycling and present how can art apply to daily life creatively. Under the continuous global pandemic, the ‘International and Local Student Mail Art Exhibition’ this year is themed ‘Travel’ and in the form of a competition to invite students around the world to join. Besides, there will be a ‘Digital Interactive Learning Zone: Immersive Art Gallery’ which brings a new immersive creation experience to participants. Other activities such as guided tours, seminars and workshops will be held for teachers and the general public as well. It is anticipated that the HKVAEF can provide teachers, students and the general public with meaningful visual arts education activities.


Click here to browse the exhibition catalogue of HKVAEF 2021.


​Click here to browse HKVAEF 2020 online exhibition

香港視覺藝術教育節 2020

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2020


The Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival (HKVAEF), which aims to foster exchange among art educators and to showcase their achievements, is the annual flagship event of the Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA). Due to the COVID-19, the exhibition of the HKVAEF moved online. The online platform will contain four showcase sessions, i.e. the Exhibition of Grantham Visual Arts Awards 2019/2020, the Exhibition of Creative Student Award Scheme 2019/2020, the Exhibition of Visual Arts e-Learning in Hong Kong Schools, and the International and Local Student Mail Art Exhibition. The last two are newly introduced, set up at a time of social distancing and in response to the pandemic's impact on education.


Click here to browse the exhibition catalogue of HKVAEF 2020.

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香港視覺藝術教育節 2019

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2019



Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival (HKVAEF) is organised yearly by HKSEA to facilitate exchanges among art educators, celebrate the fruitful achievement in arts education. The exhibition displays the fruit of HKSEA’s projects and teaching achievements of local teachers. It comprises the following sessions: Exhibition of Grantham Visual Arts Award 2018/2019, Exhibition of Creative Student Award Scheme 2018/19 and Exhibition of Hong Kong Students' Collaborative Artworks 2019. Students’ artworks from more than 10 countries are brought to International Student Art Exhibition, which was initiated last year. Tublock learning is introduced to the Interactive Learning Area: Geometry and Space this year for students to acquire the knowledge in visual arts. It is anticipated that the HKVAEF can provide teachers, students and the general public with meaningful visual arts education activities.


Click here to browse the exhibition catalogue of HKVAEF 2019.



香港視覺藝術教育節 2018

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2018


“Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival” (HKVAEF) is organised yearly by HKSEA to facilitate exchanges among art educators, celebrate the fruitful achievement in arts education and raise public awareness of the field. As the InSEA Asia Regional Congress, Hong Kong, 2018 and the 7th World Chinese Art Education Symposium is held in the same month as HKVAEF 2018, the highlighted exhibition of HKVAEF 2018 is more well-established. The exhibition is consisted of the following sessions: “Exhibition of Creative Student Award Scheme 2017/18”, Exhibition of Grantham Scholarships Fund for Visual Arts 2017/2018, “International Student Art Exhibition”, “Cross-Strait Children’s Fine Art Exhibition” and “Picture Book Interactive Learning Area”. Over 100 picture books are displayed in the exhibition to inspire students to think creatively. In addition, other extension activities will also be conducted for teachers, students and parents. It is anticipated that the HKVAEF can provide teachers, students and the general public with meaningful visual arts education activities.


Click here to browse the exhibition catalogue of HKVAEF 2018.


香港視覺藝術教育節 2017

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2017







1. 教藝兩全2017:教師創作‧集體創作展

2. 藝術家邀請展


4. 亞洲學生作品交流展

5. 互動學習區


香港視覺藝術教育節 2016

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2016







1. 教藝兩全2016:教師創作‧師生作品展
i) 兩岸四地邀請展 ii) 教師個人及師生作品展

2. 藝術家邀請展



5. 親子工作坊成果展

香港視覺藝術教育節 2014

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2014







時間:上午10:00至下午8:00 (17日至下午6:00)




香港視覺藝術教育節 2012

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2012



日期︰ 2012年10月12日至10月23日

時間: 上午10:00至下午8:00 (23日至下午6時)




香港視覺藝術教育節 2008

Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2008



日期︰ 2008年1月4日至1月9日

時間: 上午10時至下午8時 (17日至下午6時)




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