Greetings from Hong Kong~~😎

Enrollment has ended!
Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2021
International and Local Student Mail Art Competition
New announcement!
To promote Mail Art and to encourage more students from different countries to participate in this year's“International and Local Student Mail Art Exhibition”, which will be held at Hong Kong City Hall from 6th to 12th December 2021, the Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA) has decided to hold a competition for this event. There will be five age groups in which a panel of judges will award outstanding students first prizes, second prizes and third prizes.
We have a theme this year, which is...
How much do you miss travelling? In times of a global pandemic when our mobility has been greatly restricted, we invite you to share your thought about TRAVEL with other students all over the world through mail art. Be it an outer space adventure, a time-travel trip, a picnic or a visit to your relatives, anything goes as long as it is your wish.

Conditions of Entry
Hong Kong students: 8th October, 2021 (postmark date)
Foreign students outside Hong Kong: 30th September, 2021 (arrival date)
Who can join?
Kindergarten, primary and secondary school students*
*University students are still welcome to send their mail artworks to us. They will be displayed in the Exhibition if found suitable, though they will not be enrolled in the competition.
Age Groups (based on participants' birthdate)
Group 1: Born on 1st September, 2015 or later
Group 2: Born between 1st September, 2012 and 31st August, 2015
Group 3: Born between 1st September, 2009 and 31st August, 2012
Group 4: Born between 1st September, 2006 and 31st August, 2009
Group 5: Born between 1st September, 2002 and 31st August, 2006
How many?
ONE piece of mail art for each student only.
Size and Format
Students can create either on an envelope or on a postcard.
Size of the envelope/postcard should be at least 90 x 140 mm but not exceed 150 x 200 mm.
As only one side of the envelope/postcard will be displayed at the exhibition, please illustrate (draw, paint, etc.) on one side only.
We welcome freedom of artistic expression, though obscene or indecent content is undesirable.
Front (Air mail sticker is only for foreign schools)

Submission Guidelines
The student's full name, class, age, and school address should be written on the back of the envelope/postcard.
Each piece of mail art should bear stamp(s) and postmark.
Mail the artworks by post to:
Hong Kong Society for Education in Art
Room L3-05D, JCCAC,
30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei,
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Competition Procedures
Local selection (for Hong Kong students)
Scheduled to be held in mid-October. A local panel of judges will award outstanding students first prizes, second prizes and third prizes.
Besides, a maximum of 10 students from each local participating unit (school/ studio) will be awarded a Certificate of Participation. Their works will also be showcased in the Exhibition at Hong Kong City Hall.
The list will be announced on HKSEA website in early November 2021.
Adjudgictors of Local Competition (Listed in no particular order) :
Ms. Cha Cha CHAN (Hong Kong Stamp Designer)
Mr. CHENG Kar-wai (Design director of Monster Workshop, Illustrastor, Graphic designer)
Ms. Violet SHUM (Hong Kong Artist)
Mr. YIU Man To (Senior Teaching Fellow of Advertising Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
International competition (for foreign students & winners of the local selection)
A international panel of judges will award outstanding students first prizes, second prizes and third prizes.
Besides, a maximum of 20 students from each foreign participating unit (school/ studio) will be awarded a Certificate of Participation. Their works will also be showcased in the Exhibition at Hong Kong City Hall.
The list will be announced on HKSEA website in late November 2021.
Adjudgictors of International Competition (Listed in no particular order) :
Professor CHAN Yuk Keung Kurt (Adjunct Professor, Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Professor Glen Coutts (President of InSEA)
Mr. Kevin Gillen (Organiser, International community art and design project 'Mail Art Worldwide')
Ms. Chien-Ling LIN (Curator and Founding Director, The Children's Art Museum in Taipei)
Judging Criteria
Relevance to the theme, creativity, composition and drawing/design techniques.
First prize, second prize and third prize for each age group (both local selection and international competition)
Winners of the local selection will be invited to the Award Ceremony of the Hong Kong Visual Arts Education Festival 2021 and will be awarded certificates.
First and second prize winners of the international competition will be awarded medals; the third prize winner will be awarded a certificate.
Each work should be original and must not be a copy of other works. Students should design their mail art alone (though address writing can be assisted by parents or teachers in Group 1). The Organizer reserves the right to reject and disqualify any submission and deprive the award of any selected entries if it finds justifiable to do so.
The Organizer reserves the right to edit, alter, publish, or use any competition entries in any forms for exhibition and educational purposes.
For Foreign Schools:
Before airmailing your piece of mail art to us,
please fill in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM & email the artwork images (JPG format with 300dpi) to us by 30th September, 2021 at
For Hong Kong Schools:
Please fill in the Online Application Form(HK Schools)&
upload the artworks images (JPG format with 300dpi) on Google Drive and share the link in the application form by 8th October,2021.
*Please change the setting of Google Drive share link to 'Editor' for us to download the images.
Example as below:

For enquiries, please contact Project Officer Debbie Hung at or on(852) 22346096.
* HKSEA reserves the right to make the final decision, including the selection of artworks displayed at the exhibition and the artwork images published in the exhibition catalogue.