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Visual Arts Teacher Commendation Scheme

目的 Objectives


HKSEA is dedicated to promoting visual arts education and teacher professional development in Hong Kong. The “Visual Arts Teachers Commendation Scheme” (VATCS) aims to recognise the outstanding performance and ambition of Hong Kong Visual Arts teachers. VATCS also aspires to encourage teachers to pursue excellence and keep improving their quality of teaching through sharing and exchange of ideas, thereby achieving the long-term goal of enhancing the status of visual arts education in academia.

最新消息 What's New

第三屆結果公佈 Release of VATCS 2022 Result

年度主題 Theme of the Year


The theme for The Visual Arts Teacher Commendation Scheme 2022 is “Values Education”.


候選人資格 Eligibility

  • 任教小學、中學或特殊學校之視覺藝術科教師;或

  • 於幼稚園或幼兒園任教有關視覺藝術或美育相關內容的教師;

  • 候選人須獲其現在任職學校的校長提名;

  • 每間學校每年只可提名1位教師以個人名義或1組教師(不多於3人)以組別名義競逐獎項;

  • 候選人必須在2021/22學年或之前,已任教視覺藝術或美育相關科目不少於1年,並於2022/23學年繼續於該校任教有關科目;

  • 為鼓勵更多教師參與,「卓越表現獎」得獎教師及學校在獲獎後3年內不可再次接受提名。

  • Teachers of primary, secondary and special schools who teach Visual Arts; or

  • Teachers of kindergartens who are involved in the teaching, planning and implementation of Visual Arts or Aesthetic Education related curricula and learning activities;

  • Nominees must be nominated by the school principal;

  • Both individual and group nominations are accepted; each school can only nominate one teacher or one group which comprises not more than three teachers;

  • Nominees should have at least one year’s experience of teaching Visual Arts or any Aesthetic Education related subjects by the 2020/21 school year and will continue to teach the subject(s) concerned during the 2021/22 school year;

  • To encourage more teachers to participate, teachers who have won the “Award for Excellent Performance” cannot be nominated again within three years.


獎項 Awards



  • 每位獲獎教師可獲得獎座一個及證書一張,並於明年年初舉行之頒獎典禮上頒發;

  • 其教學經驗將收錄成文集,供公眾參閱;及

  • 獲邀在本會舉辦的活動中分享心得。

There are two categories of awards, namely Award for Excellent Performance and Award for Outstanding Performance.

The total number of awards to be presented in a year will not be more than 8.

Awardees will receive the following rewards:

  • Each awarded teacher will receive a trophy and a certificate, which will be presented at the awarding ceremony held at the beginning of next year;

  • Awardees' entries will be published in the form of an anthology for public viewing; and

  • Awardees will be invited to share their experience in events organized by HKSEA.

需要遞交的提名文件 Required Nomination Documents


  1. 網上提名表格(

  2. 「教學分享」簡報

  3. 聲明書

Nominees should submit the following documents before the nomination deadline:

  1. Online Nomination Form ( )

  2. "Sharing of Teaching Practice" PowerPoint

  3. Declaration

聲明書 Declaration

Word / PDF

提名指引 Nomination Guidelines

中文版 / English version

遞交提名文件安排 Deadline for Nomination

候選人須於2022年6月30日晚上6時 (延至7月16日) 或之前遞交網上提名表格,並將「教學分享」簡報及聲明書上載至個人雲端硬碟(Google Drive)後與本會(分享。請確保所有檔案已開放權限予本會下載。


Nominees should submit the online nomination form on or before 30 June 2022 (extended to 16 July) at 6:00pm, and share their PowerPoint and declaration form with ( ) via Google Drive. Please ensure that access is granted to us to download the documents.

A confirmation email will be sent to the nominee within five working days after receiving the nomination documents.

評審 Judges



  • 鍾佛成先生 - 前寶安商會王少清中學校長/ 資深教育工作者

  • 吳友強先生 - 前課程發展議會藝術教育委員會主席 / 前香港道教聯合會青松中學校長

  • 譚祥安博士 - 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系系主任及副教授

  • 黃素蘭博士 - 前香港美術教育協會會長 / 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術學系高級講師

  • 楊定邦先生 - 香港資優教育教師協會主席 / 教育局前課程發展議會資優教育委員


The panel of judges comprises experienced educators, art educators and a representative of HKSEA.

(The below names are arranged alphabetically by surname)

  • Mr. CHUNG Fat-shing - Former Principal of Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School

  • Mr. NG Yau-keung - Former Chairman of the Arts Education Committee of the Curriculum Development Council, Former            Principal of the Hong Kong Taoist Association Ching Chung Secondary School

  • Dr. TAM Cheung-on - Head and Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of          Hong Kong

  • Dr. WONG So-lan - Former President of Hong Kong Society For Education In Art / Senior Lecturer, Department of Cultural        and Creative Arts (CCA), The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Mr. YEUNG Ting-Pong - Chairman of the Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers' Association, Former Committee of the                Curriculum Development Council, Education Bureau

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主辦機構 Organised by


​支持單位 Supporting Unit

(排名不分先後 in no particular order)


標題 1

  • 香港幼兒教育人員協會

  • 香港幼稚園協會

  • 行政長官卓越教學獎教師協會

  • 香港資優教育教師協會

  • 新界校長會

  • 香港資助小學校長會

  • 荃灣區小學校長會

  • 大埔區小學校長會

  • 屯門區中學校長會 

  • 香港教育工作者工會

  • 教育評議會

  • 津貼小學議會

  • 香港兒童美術及教育協會

  • 南區學校聯會

  • 九龍城區校長聯絡委員會

  • 香港中文中學聯會

  • 藝術地圖

  • 香港教育城

Hong Kong Early Childhood Educators Association

Hong Kong Kindergarten Association

Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellance Teachers' Association

Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers' Association

New Territories School Heads Association

Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association

Tsuen Wan Primary School Heads Association

Tai Po District Primary School Heads Association

Tuen Mun District Secondary School Heads Association

Hong Kong Education Workers Union

Education Convergence

Subsidized Primary School Council

Hong Kong Society For Children's Education & Art

Southern District Joint Schools Conference

Kowloon City District School Principals' Liaison Committee

The Association of Hong Kong Chinese Middle Schools

Art Map

Hong Kong Education City

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